Sunday, March 1, 2009

5 Things I would change about education.

I was tagged by scarter to write about what I would change about education. The rules are in bold.

List FIVE changes you would like to see in the educational system. Your responses should represent your perspective and your passion for learning and students…tag the following people…from a variety of perspectives. If you have been tagged, tag as many people as you choose, but try for a variety.”

1) Grade levels would be no longer. Distinct standards would have to be mastered prior to a student moving forward. Children enter school when they are ready and leave school once all standards are mastered.

2) School is rigorous and relevant to the student. Students are in charge of their own learning with the guidance for a teacher.

3) Students interact with global peers and they help each other in through their learning process.

4) Asychronous learning in a brick and mortar building.

5) Teachers are professionals in dress, in action and in the pay they receive.

I tag the following plurkers:

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